Follow the Leader K9
My name is Amber and I’m the owner of Follow the Leader K9. I believe dogs, just like people, come into our lives to teach us lessons. They have a way of showing us how to slow down and be present. They also have a way of mirroring our energy, which can lead to behavior issues. That’s where I come in.
“What you pet is what you get.”
I come from a dog psychology background and I am a balanced trainer. This means that I disagree with behavior that is not beneficial, and I agree with behavior that is. My goal is to help dogs become balanced, and encourage pro-social tendencies.
“If you don’t disagree, you agree.”
I am very passionate about animals. For years, I wanted to become a veterinarian, but my need to heal, protect, and teach brought me into the dog training field. Over time, I have learned how to “read” dogs which allows me to help them and their owners. My job is to pass on my knowledge, and by doing so, help create human-canine relationships that are based on trust and respect.
“Don’t tell a dog what to do, ask it. But ask until you get the right answer.”