Since the catalyst of the bogus epidemic known as CoronaVirus, the war in Ukraine, and the upcoming elections, the state of animal welfare in the United States has taken a massive downturn. Cases of animal abuse is now rising to unimaginable levels. Animals that thought they found their forever homes during lock-downs, continue to be returned to shelters at a rapid rate. And now, with overflowing shelters, the scarcity of animal food, and high rising costs of veterinary services, pet’s are being abandoned into our streets to fend on their own. This year, there have been more and more animals needing and wanting help.
Some of us are intuitively guardians. We are natural caretakers. And caretakers like us, believe that pets are family! For me, this inherent ideology goes without saying. I naturally keep an eye out – and listen to every sound. When an animal is suffering, I feel their pain – and I too suffer. Therefore, it is beyond belief as to why people would adopt a pet if all they do is stick them in a tiny cage or chain them up in the far corner of their property; never playing or showing them love. What was the point of the adoption to begin with? Please help me understand.
For the last few months, stories abound about persons adopting pets for company during the lock-down, then getting rid of (or abandoning) them when the lock-down lifted. Never a consideration about the pet’s emotional state or well-being. There is a variety of reasons given; they lost interest with their pet, the pet outgrew the cute phase and became too much of a burden when the pet became an adult, and / or they went back to work and no longer needed the company. In each case, both family members lose. The owner loses out on getting an unconditional loving pet and the pet loses by being doomed to a life of physical and mental torture or in facing the emotional loss of having a secure loving home.
To help my fellow earth mates, and help in reducing pain and suffering of animals within my local community, you will find me walking around my neighborhood, talking with my neighbors, and helping those that need an extra hand or advice when it comes to animal care. I truly believe community awareness and involvement is the key. We need to work on a local level. Start small. Get a network going. Expand to other networks.
There are many things that you can do to help those in need within your community. The most important is easy, to make sure your neighbors, friends and family’s pet’s are happy and healthy. Secondly, keep an eye out and speak up if you see an animal in trouble or abused. Actions of ordinary people, like you, in our communities, are essential. When in doubt, speak out.
Other options are donating and/or volunteering to your local no kill animal shelter, foster programs, spay/neuter organizations, and the like. These organizations work diligently everyday to make the lives of animals better and help communities understand current animal issues. Sadly most animal organizations do not receive any government funding, they rely solely on donations of people like you.
Thirdly, local law enforcement seldom acts when it comes to animal issues. They only time they act is if the abuse has gone on long enough to the point of desperation for the animal(s). When law enforcement does act, it is almost always too late for the animal. The abuser most often gets off with a fine and a warning. We need people, like you, to work with local politicians to get stricter animal rights laws passed. Let’s not forget the innocent beings in these times. As guardians and caretakers we have the responsibility to act.
Remember, the most important action we can take is awareness. If you drive by a house with a dog in bad shape, contact the authorities and your local humane society. Talk to your friends about it. Awareness leads to education. The more we know the better we can be. We owe that to our furry friends.
Do you have any other ideas of how to get involved in animal welfare? Please share with us below in the comments section.