68% of American households include a companion animal (84.6 million homes) – “Animal Legal Defense Fund”


Companion animals are those special animals that share our homes and our lives; animals that have become a special part of our family. These animals tend to enjoy more legal protections than other animals. Believe it or not, there are few federal protections for companion animals. Most protections for companion animals tend to happen at the state level. Therefore, it is important to advocate to your local legislature for better animal protection laws.


Some companion animal protection laws gaining in popularity are:


  • “Hot car laws” that criminalize leaving an animal in a vehicle in extreme weather.
  • Anti-tethering laws that limit how long pets can be tied up or chained outside, especially in extreme weather.






  1. Sign up for email or text message alerts to get the latest news and quick, simple actions to help animals straight to your inbox.
  2. Follow animal groups on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
  3. Share companion animal videos on your website, blog or social networking page.
  4. Attend companion animal events locally.
  5. Be an advocate for companion animals in your locale and spread the word
  6. Adopt from a shelter or rescue.
  7. Encourage radio and television talk shows to discuss animal issues.
  8. Ask local restaurants and grocery stores to switch to cage-free eggs and to protect seals by boycotting Canadian seafood.
  9. Applaud pet stores that have taken a stand against puppy mills
  10. Arrange coffee or lunch dates with other people who care and take care of companion animals.
  11. Work with your local schools to add vegetarian options to their menu.
  12. Book and sponsor companion animal experts for lectures at schools and universities
  13. Create an event to raise funds for companion animals.
  14. Make a special one-time gift or support to companion animals.
  15. Make a memorial gift in honor of a friend or animal companion.
  16. Purchase or renew a subscription to All Animals magazine.
  17. Purchase cruelty-free cosmetics and household products.
  18. Participate in Meatless Mondays and find delicious plant-based recipes for your next meal.
  19. Encourage your office to implement dog-friendly policies.
  20. Turn your outdoor space into a backyard sanctuary and find humane ways to coexist with wildlife.
  21. ID your animals and encourage others to do the same—and keep your cats safe indoors.
  22. Prepare a disaster plan for your animals.
  23. Learn what your local legislation is doing for Companion Animals and how you can help.
  24. Learn how to help outdoor cats in your neighborhood.
  25. Encourage your local officials to find long-lasting, nonlethal solutions to conflicts with wildlife such as bats, coyotes, deer and more.
  26. Provide for your animals’ future in case you can’t care for them.
  27. Participate in Animal Rescues and sign up to help animals in crisis.
  28. Develop humane outreach programs in your community.
  29. Work for the passage of local ordinances in your community to protect chained dogs