Stone Brothers Farm and Greenhouse
We have a 400 acre family farm in the hills of Fenner. We operate a Dairy/Greenhouse business on the farm and also grow a wide variety of vegetables for market. In 2011 we will be starting a CSA. Two of our greenhouses are used for vegetable production in addition to our outside gardens,this allows us to extend our season, early and late. We have one greenhouse set up to grow vegetables hydroponically. In this greenhouse we grow tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers,lettuce and eggplant. Our other greenhouse, new this year, is setup like a regular garden, but we can control the climate. We will grow summer squash, zucchini,beans,peas,carrots,beets,onions,tomatoes,peppers and some early potatoes in this greenhouse. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices are used to control garden and greenhouse pests and bumble bees will be used for pollination.