Hidden Acre Farm


Hidden Acre Farm is located on 15 acres of land in Bloomingburg NY. We’re on the southern tip of the Catskill Mountains, in the Hudson Valley, New York State. The Shawnagunk Kill runs through the property and in the distant past, circa 10,000 years ago, the glaciers melted themselves all over our land and left us with some very favorable soils!

In the much more recent past, Hidden Acre Farm was the Miller Farm and Dairy. Our main field space hadn’t been in production for years before our first growing season in 2019. As such, much of our time and effort in our first seasons on this land has been spent regenerating the farms infrastructure and building up the organic matter in our soils, in order to consistently churn out the highest quality, most nutrient dense produce possible.


363, Petticoat Lane, Bloomingburg, Town of Crawford, Orange County, New York, 12721, United States
363, Petticoat Lane, Bloomingburg, Town of Crawford, Orange County, New York, 12721, United States