Shake a Paw pet store

 Animal Abuse Registry /

12/17/2021 – New York Attorney filed a lawsuit against Shake a Paw Pet Store for allegedly selling numerous sick or injured puppies to unaware consumers at two locations on Long Island. The investigation found that Shake A Paw sold puppies with serious illnesses — including some puppies that died within days or weeks of purchase. Investigations also found that Shake A Paw falsely advertised sick pets as healthy, fabricated health certificates, failed to disclose the animals’ legitimate medical conditions, misrepresented puppies’ breeds, and refused to reimburse consumers for veterinarian bills when they lodged complaints. James also filed a motion for a temporary restraining order against Shake A Paw in an effort to protect the puppies in danger as well as to freeze funds that are in bank accounts managed by Shake A Paw for restitution.

  • Listing ID: 29176
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Suffolk County