Nokomis Welch, Cassidy & Shawn Farrentino Carter

 Animal Abuse Registry /

12/23/2021 – Cassidy Nokomis Welch (24) and Shawn Farrentino Carter (25) have each been charged with cruelty to animals for “unlawfully, willfully, and intentionally depriving of necessary sustenance.”Sheriff’s deputies received a tip about two puppies who were being kept in questionable conditions. When officers responded they found two emaciated puppy without adequate shelter and no food or water. According to the sheriff’s office, the owners signed over custody of the pups. They were underweight and dehydrated, but ate food and drank water. The veterinarian said other than being malnourished, there appeared to be no underlying illness that would have caused them not to eat. Under the supervision of the humane society, the two pups began to gain weight and get healthy and now get to enjoy Christmas in their forever home.

  • Listing ID: 29046
Contact details

Watertown, North Carolina